Cache Plugin


$ composer require php-http/cache-plugin


The CachePlugin allows you to cache responses from the server. It can use any PSR-6 compatible caching engine. By default, the plugin respects the cache control headers from the server as specified in RFC 7234. It needs a PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface and a PSR-6 implementation:

use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Client\Common\PluginClient;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin\CachePlugin;

/** @var \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface $pool */
$pool = ...
/** @var \Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory */
$streamFactory = ...

$options = [];
$cachePlugin = new CachePlugin($pool, $streamFactory, $options);

$pluginClient = new PluginClient(

The CachePlugin has also 2 factory methods to easily set up the plugin by caching type. See the example below.

// This will allow caching responses with the 'private' and/or 'no-store' cache directives
$cachePlugin = CachePlugin::clientCache($pool, $streamFactory, $options);

// Returns a cache plugin with the current default behavior
$cachePlugin = CachePlugin::serverCache($pool, $streamFactory, $options);


The two factory methods have been added in version 1.3.0.


The third parameter to the CachePlugin constructor takes an array of options. The available options are:


Default value




The default max age of a Response



Whether we should care about cache headers or not * This option is deprecated. Use respect_response_cache_directives



The hashing algorithm to use when generating cache keys


30 days

The minimum time we should store a cache item


['GET', 'HEAD']

Which request methods to cache


['no-cache', 'private', 'max-age', 'no-store']

A list of cache directives to respect when caching responses


new SimpleGenerator()

A class implementing CacheKeyGenerator to generate a PSR-6 cache key.



A array of classes implementing CacheListener to act on a response with information on its cache status.



A array of regular expressions to defined paths, that shall not be cached.


A HTTP response may have expired but it is still in cache. If so, headers like If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match are added to the HTTP request to allow the server answer with 304 status code. When a 304 response is received we update the CacheItem and save it again for at least cache_lifetime.

Using these options together you can control how your responses should be cached. By default, responses with no cache control headers are not cached. If you want a default cache lifetime if the server specifies no max-age, use:

$options = [
    'default_ttl' => 42, // cache lifetime time in seconds

You can tell the plugin to completely ignore the cache control headers from the server and force caching the response for the default time to live. The options below will cache all responses for one hour:

$options = [
    'default_ttl' => 3600, // cache for one hour
    'respect_response_cache_directives' => [],

Generating a cache key

You may define a method how the PSR-6 cache key should be generated. The default generator is SimpleGenerator which is using the request method, URI and body of the request. The cache plugin does also include a HeaderCacheKeyGenerator which allow you to specify what HTTP header you want include in the cache key.

Controlling cache listeners

One or more classes implementing CacheListener can be added through cache_listeners. These classes receive a notification on whether a request was a cache hit or miss, and can optionally mutate the response based on those signals. As an example, adding the provided AddHeaderCacheListener will mutate the response, adding an X-Cache header with a value HIT or MISS, which can be useful in debugging.

Semantics of null values

Setting null to the options cache_lifetime or default_ttl means “Store this as long as you can (forever)”. This could be a great thing when you requesting a pay-per-request API (e.g. GoogleTranslate).

Store a response as long the cache implementation allows:

$options = [
    'default_ttl' => null,
    'respect_response_cache_directives' => [],
    'cache_lifetime' => null,

Ask the server if the response is valid at most every hour. Store the cache item forever:

$options = [
    'default_ttl' => 3600,
    'respect_response_cache_directives' => [],
    'cache_lifetime' => null,

Ask the server if the response is valid at most every hour. If the response has not been used within one year it will be removed from the cache:

$options = [
    'default_ttl' => 3600,
    'respect_response_cache_directives' => [],
    'cache_lifetime' => 86400*365, // one year

Caching of different request methods

Most of the time you should not change the methods option. However if you are working for example with HTTPlug based SOAP client you might want to additionally enable caching of POST requests:

$options = [
    'methods' => ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'],

The methods setting overrides the defaults. If you want to keep caching GET and HEAD requests, you need to include them. You can specify any uppercase request method which conforms to RFC 7230.


If your system has both normal and SOAP clients you need to use two different PluginClient instances. SOAP client should use PluginClient with POST caching enabled and normal client with POST caching disabled.

Cache Control Handling

By default this plugin does not cache responses with no-store, no-cache or private instructions. Use CachePlugin::clientCache($pool, $streamFactory, $options); to cache no-store or private responses or change the respect_response_cache_directives option to your needs.

It does store responses with cookies or a Set-Cookie header. Be careful with the order of your plugins.