Seekable Body Plugins

RequestSeekableBodyPlugin and ResponseSeekableBodyPlugin ensure that body used in request and response is always seekable. Use this plugin if you want plugins to read the stream and then be able to rewind it:

use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Client\Common\PluginClient;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin\RequestSeekableBodyPlugin;
use Http\Client\Common\Plugin\ResponseSeekableBodyPlugin;

$options = [
    'use_file_buffer' => true,
    'memory_buffer_size' => 2097152,
$requestSeekableBodyPlugin = new RequestSeekableBodyPlugin($options);
$responseSeekableBodyPlugin = new ResponseSeekableBodyPlugin($options);

$pluginClient = new PluginClient(
    [$requestSeekableBodyPlugin, $responseSeekableBodyPlugin]

Those plugins support the following options (which are passed to the BufferedStream class):

  • use_file_buffer: Whether it should use a temporary file to buffer the body of a stream if it’s too big

  • memory_buffer_size: Maximum memory to use for buffering the stream before it switch to a file

RequestSeekableBodyPlugin should be the first of your plugins, then the following plugins can seek in the request body (i.e. for logging purpose). ResponseSeekableBodyPlugin should be the last plugin, then previous plugins can seek response body.